Sunday, May 30, 2010



Why: Accidentally signed to youtube with my hotmail address, which actually was very handy except every time I signed in to youtube google signed me out from blogger, so now the blog is on my hotmail account too.

Elikkä onnistuin tekemään youtuben google accon hotmailin sähköpostilla, älkää kysykö miten, en tajua itsekään, mutta google kirjas bloggerin ulos aina kun kirjasin youtubeen, joten nyt on molemmat samalla sähköpostilla ja pystyn olemaan molemmissa kirjautuneena samaan aikaan, siksi tämä muutto.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bought a ticket to Green Day's gig

Accidentally was the first one to hit a friend's blog post saying "buy my brother's ticket!" and thought "well why not". Btw band stickers are fun and BSC rocks so


Sketching my mind



School trip to Suomenlinna, Helsinki.. Was quite OK. Isku is the best.

Spot a pair of swans

From left: Isku, Kassu, Riku,
Me, Tuukka, Kitsu, Minna

Punk Revival -iltama III @ Hiekkaharju, Vantaa 15.5.2010

Took a bus from Joutsa to Helsinki, the drive lasted 3,5h. Then a train from Helsinki to Hiekkaharju. Walked some 3km to the gig place.

Dead Mongoloids

Tohtori Koira

Bloodsucker Circus

Possibly the best gig ever BSC rocked again.

After the gig hanged out at Kalliopuisto.

Slept at Jonny's place, te next day hanged out with Jonny and Ana at another park. The best weekend.

Bands @ Oranssiklubi 24.4.2010

Bloodsucker Circus, Troubled Youth, Pill Poppers, God Given Ass. BSC rocked like hell.

Metro to Kalasatama, trying to find the gig place. Jonny doeas a bit parkour over the fences and back. Finally found the place after a few calls.
After the gig trying to find metro: 200m left it the place where to go but Jonny leads us srtaight forward to some place with sand and stuff.

Jonny: "We're going to Green Day's gig"
Someone: "It's here?"
Jonny: "Yup"

Jonny: "Think about it guys, they're about to build houses here this is the last time we can be here..!"
Someone: "Jonny they're going to start building here in like 2025..."
Jonny: "Shut up"

From the sand place under a bridge, the side of the bridge, up next to metro rail, next to an electric fence, over a fence, next to a freeway, over a high fence, over the freeway, and here we are at the metro station, at last! =)

Awesome weekend.

Troubled Youth

Bloodsucer Circus

Bloodsucker Circus

Cool people

Kirputorille 4€

Saved this morning gown from "to flea market" box

Spring on it's way

Mist and mud all over

Modelling Johis

"Fashion" photoshoot

School project: Go be your own models and take photos of your regular school wear. Yes, my shots are overexposured and the background canvas was somehow broken, that causes the crinkle. Stupid school studio...

Ismo Alanko Teholla @ Finlandiatalo, Lahti 20.3.2010

The gig was damn good, though there were too many old people.. They played 2h straight trough and I had to leave too early, if I'd stayed I would've missed the last bus.


Always wanted to be different

May I just open my mouth


Theme drawing with Tiia & Riku


"Punk rocker"

So long nothing

Long time no posts. Here comes a few.